Propeller - how to do it ?

 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
Maybe ScriptArray can help for some many things! :) because basic Transform / Array / Circular has not Size parameter inside!
(don't remember if another scritp blend Move, Size, Rotation in same time ? ) ScaleArray has not the rotation

Just edit the header of the page for the 3 functions Move, Size, Rotate!

Draw original ellipse on Right View following your parameters : here movement will be on the X
Movement of the original on the X will be : 5, 10, 15,...
Size of the original will be on Y, Z : size y*2 size z*2, size y*3 size z*3, size y*4 size z*4,...
Rotation of the original will be: 10°, 20°, 30°...

Advantage : you can input any formulas and parameters, any conditions... you want! :)

EDITED: 1 Apr 2014 by PILOU