Geometry problems

 From:  jacobo3d
656.41 In reply to 656.34 
Hi Michael,

>You're welcome, yes I will include the LWO exporter in the next beta, it's going to probably delay the beta by a couple of days >though. Probably the bugs that you reported earlier (the filleted box and that other fillet one) will have to wait until the next one >after, but I figured that you would rather have LWO as a higher priority anyway.

Those are REALLY great news Michael. And for sure LWO is a higher priority for me, so I really appreciate
you're including that option in the next Moi beta. Seriously, thank you very much.

I agree with that; it's a shame that other 3D apps OBJ importers are not as good as they should. I can't understand how
today there's no full support for a so extended format. I think that formats like OBJ (for polygonal geometry), or MDD
(for vertex animation information), etc... should be full supported by any 3D application. But anyway... it's just a
thought... :O)

Again, I can't stop saying thank you for the LWO exporter, and for the great feedback you have with the users.
I hope all the issues we suggested over here help you in some way to make Moi a better application, instead of
driving you crazy :O)).
