Poincaré disk Inversion script

 From:  bemfarmer
Here is a little script which performs Inversion of curves, with respect to a circle centered on the origin, (0,0,0).

The Poincaré disk is a model for Hyperbolic Geometry described within Euclidean geometry.

It is best to avoid curves passing through the center.
Closed curves map to closed curves, so a circle may map to a "closed" line.

Placing curves more or less symmetrically with the origin is "beneficial."

The script is mainly 2d, but also performs with 3d objects, such as the edges of a cube centered on the origin.

Weird - Brian

Somehow the htm file got turned into an html file. Problem corrected.
Edit 3-11-2014, revised the two scripts due to dumb bug, incorrect test for new origin, mixed up with (0,0,0)

EDITED: 11 Mar 2014 by BEMFARMER