New fillet stuff for variable radius

 From:  Michael Gibson
6544.32 In reply to 6544.31 
Hi Mike,

> 1) since points can't be deleted (if we flub), so I'm guessing you can re-position them?

Nope, if you have put them in the wrong place then you'd just need to cancel the command and start a new one. Same thing as if you selected the wrong edges to fillet.

> 2) will it work on fillets that branch off from intersections? What I mean is, will this work on
> all the complicated places fillets usually work?

Well, it tries to do it in the same places, but it seems that they're a bit more finicky when it comes to intersections though.

> 3) The question asked earlier... but can you assign any type of rounding; G1-3 separately on each control set?

No, currently the setting for whether doing round or G1-3 applies to all the fillets being done, there isn't currently any way to assign different rounding styles to different fillet sets. Maybe in the future I can add something in for multiple "edge sets" as well as "point sets" that might be a better fit for also assigning these per-edge properties.

> 4) Okay, and one I thought about a long time ago... can the variability be as simply as filleting just one edge
> corner, where you can start at one radius and end at another.. looking kinda conical?

You can do the "just one edge" thing, but it currently does an "ease-in/ease-out" type blending on it so it doesn't look quite conical, it looks like this:

I'm trying to see about maybe fitting in a "linear" option you could enable somewhere to get a conical shape, or also maybe if you're doing an edge with only 2 stations along it I should just do a linear blend in that case, I haven't quite figured that out yet.

- Michael