Cloth simulation

 From:  Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
6514.72 In reply to 6514.71 
Hi James

Thank you, I'm fine :)

>>I know that you are reluctant to invest time in further development because there may be compatibility issues with the upcoming Moi V4...
Yes, I stopped developement of my scripts until v4 beta release (and yes, I have plans to continue writing scripts for MoI).
The compatibility issues don't bother me, I just waiting for more efficient and powerful tools, which Michael could implement in the new versions.

>>I've never used grasshopper, but I am wondering if this script has the bones of a physics engine like its "kangaroo" plugin that could be wrapped into a node?
This script can be used as base of a physics engine, but I don't like its current internal structure. In fact I would like to rewrite it.

>>..but even the first step of just converting a compound surface into a parametrically determined point array would be super useful.
Yes, It would be great, but as I said above, I need to rewrite the engine of this script first.
Unfortunatelly I don't know when I'll start this work.