Cloth simulation

 From:  Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
Here is my quick answers :)

>>Would you be able to affect it by a chosen object; like the sphere being moved into it?
Maybe in next version, but not now.

>>And yes, rigidity or tensile viscosity would be a nice touch too
It's impossible with the current engine. I will rewrite it later.

>>Can you output obj files of each step (frame) of the animation?
I don't know. Need to check MoI export tools.

>>Can you affect the weight or damping of the cloth? That is, can you vary how many wrinkles are produced?
Yes. Yes. Already done.

>>Can you deform anything other than a flat surface? That is, could two spheres collide and leave a dent?
Surfaces only.

>>Yeah, some control over stretchyness could be helpful..

>>..and a single-step-mode too to catch the perfect frame...
I'm writing it now.

>>How about reversing the process?
All frames will be saved. You can rewind the record.

>>Think of the Sphere as a sculpting tool, the cloth as a portion of a 3D surface.
Maybe later.