Looking for (paid?) assistance

 From:  Rick (ELDRICK)
6510.6 In reply to 6510.4 
Wow! - this is more progress than I made in weeks - you obviously know the product well.

BTW, I wasn't griping, just mentioning the approaches I had tried. I should have been more clear - it's not that MOI can't do these things, it's just that I haven't been able to puzzle them out. I'll correct my comments about buggy Flow - it's not the software's fault, it's mine.

Draft-2 is excellent, but now I'm seeing dimensions issues - e.g, the base is now 19.73mm instead of 20, and the circle where the dome meets the cone appears to have departed from 27.5mm and round, although that could perhaps be due to measuring the tilted diameter horizontally? Also, the piece shrank vertically, and is now only 48mm tall - should be 50mm.

The hole needs to be added after bending, not before - it needs to be centered in the base, and straight and perpendicular to it, for the insert. As to the concentric hole size for the insert, here are the exact dimensions: http://www.mcmaster.com/#94180a373/=qm02my

I goofed on the wall thickness - should have said 2.5mm thick, not 3mm - if you could change that?

And that's about it - it's gorgeous otherwise.

EDITED: 8 Feb 2014 by ELDRICK