Looking for (paid?) assistance

 From:  Rick (ELDRICK)
6510.3 In reply to 6510.2 
A great start, but you hit the same issue I've been fighting: if the dome is attached when you bend it, the hemisphere becomes distorted and no longer hemispherical. I first tried making the dome with a round fillet on the cone and got that issue, so I detached the "dome" and tried manipulating the cone separately, but then started having fits re-attaching it and making it all a combined shape.

Also, the height shrank when you bent it - the bent pommel should be 50mm tall.

I also tried extruding the shape inward to get the wall thickness, thinking to use a cylindrical plug to make the bottom 15mm solid, but MOI exported the whole interior to .stl with what I take to be inverted triangles, and the result, after fixing with netfabb or Kisslicer, is no longer a hollow object. I've attached exported .stl of the best I've managed - note that the interior is apparently invalid, so netfabb fills it in solid, and KS draws infill lines across it. Very frustrating. (Please ignore that the "plug" is not flush with the end - I could not get them to align vertically.)

(Sure would be nicer if MOI did alignment like TinkerCAD - TK makes it so much easier with fewer clicks than MOI.)

I also included the .3dm that generated the invalid interior. It also has a couple of other obscure issues - the "ring" at the top, and the parallel lines along the outside curve - I cannot figure out why they are there, and they are visible in the printed .stl.

EDITED: 8 Feb 2014 by ELDRICK