Looking for (paid?) assistance

 From:  BurrMan
6510.10 In reply to 6510.9 
Hi Rick,
Just so you know, the great point about doing it in the forum is others can help out.

I'm not so sure about what I'm making either. Would love to have others participate.

Like the "50 mm".... I've been having that be the "tip" ( the point at the top is 50 mm up the curve..

Here's another revision. This is using some sweeps and a blend to cap the end.

I have to run out a for a bit. We just need to get nailed down what you need. (The sizing off in the last part was just me and my generator curves. This can be set proper once we figure out what the part should look like, and where the dims you mention should be.

Also, yes. You should come in the forum long before you get frustrated. You'll find many users that can help.

EDITED: 27 Feb 2020 by BURRMAN