What is the simplest and easiest to use free renderer for MoI?

 From:  jbshorty
651.30 In reply to 651.29 
yup. $995 is nothing if you are using this professionally. A few jobs later and this renderer starts to pay for itself. It's the reason i didn't buy Maxwell because i just can't wait. In my job, i have to render multiple color versions and often have to bang a dozen or more renders in just one afternoon. they don;t have to be photo-perfect, just convey the idea to my producers. So recently, i've just been capturing screens from Rhino 4 while using environment maps and textures to fake materials. Hypershot is really interesting. I was thinking about VRay or maybe Brazil. But seeing as i have Modo, Hypershot might be a good alternative for me. I'll have to play with the demo myself, but am traveling for the next 2 weeks so will have to wait until then... :(
