
 From:  Death
6507.398 In reply to 6507.396 
Hi Yuri,

I changed a bunch of things, don't all remember the details.

(I didn't include "Select All" and "Deselect All", since that's just CTRL-A and a "click in empty screen space")

Your screen resolution should be at least 1900x1200 to make it work well, font size (in MoI's OPTIONS) should be 9.5

Drop this file into your user's ApData/moi/startup directory and it should work automatically.
In my case that is:

C:\Users\Jack\AppData\Roaming\Moi\startup (just replace "Jack" with whatever your user name is)

If you don't have a "startup" (no quotes and all lower case) directory, just make one and drop it in there. Alternatively you can use the Moi program directory and drop it into there (again, into the startup directory, if it doesn't exist, just create one).

It should then look like you see in the picture attached.

This will even work with the default MoI installation (and should work with any custom UI's, the 2nd screenshot attached uses the grey custom UI).

If you want your normal MoI panes back, just delete the file from the startup directory and MoI works as if nothing ever happened...


Image Attachments:
Size: 27.4 KB, Downloaded: 105 times, Dimensions: 225x1194px
Size: 63.3 KB, Downloaded: 174 times, Dimensions: 1024x768px