
 From:  Michael Gibson
6507.301 In reply to 6507.300 
Hi Ogar, so those "can't find variable" errors come from MoI trying to execute that text as literal script code. But it will only do that if there was no command with that name found so maybe things are installed one directory too deep or something like that.

You should have .js and .htm files with those names in either the MoI appdata commands folder (%Appdata%\moi\commands) or the beta's built in commands folder (c:\Program Files\MoI 4.0 beta May-12-2018\commands) to avoid that error.

For lighting options I seem to remember that some modules of CustomUI are not enabled by default, you need to enable them by something like removing a leading character from the filename which CustomUI looks for and skips that module if its present.

- Michael