MeshFusion released

 From:  BurrMan
6469.23 In reply to 6469.22 
"""If you think you're going to jump into this software and whip up a design like that, well, you're kidding yourself""""""""

Really beanworks? This may be true for the guy's who load a software for 20 minutes then make global declarations about it as "useless", but, the tech you see is not "new".... What's new is Darrel got it integrated into Modo....

For someone who can kitbash with that tech already, the watch example is not very complex.

But a lot of people miss the point of a lot of it. Like the dynamic nature of the Boolean tree. It would be like MoI with parametrics.... Can I do it in MoI now, by "keeping all my objects" during Boolean processes and managing those? Yes! But that's not realtime either.

Seems like a lot of dissing the product from some who's take on things is "It cant replace this! or, It doesn't do everything!"

It's a great tool for Modo, for someone that wants that. Is it a "one click wonder tool for quad mesh final output?" No, but you'll have to show me one of those to start with, before that's even a discussion.