MeshFusion released

 From:  PaQ
6469.20 In reply to 6469.19 
Hi Michael,

You are right indeed.
Here's a couple of images from a 'simple' boolean case.
It was a test I've done during the beta, so there a chance the final mesh is better now.

Draft Working Mesh : That's the procedural mesh you see during the modeling by default.
You can also choose the preview an airtight and an final airtight version, however it will still look triangulated at that poind.

Next images are the model when 'exported' or 'commit'.

Draft : Few triangles, fillets/stripes are still separeted mesh
Airtight : Everything is merged, but the topology is not very optimal (looks a bit like the MoI quad and tris export option)
Airtight Final : Much 'better' topology, lost of nasty micro triangles are gone.

However, there are still some triangles, and lots of high valence vertex, meaning than adding an extra subdivision surface will create wavy distortion.

EDITED: 28 Nov 2014 by PAQ