MeshFusion released

 From:  Michael Gibson
6469.15 In reply to 6469.6 
Hi Stefan, it's definitely a very useful tool! But it's also not magic without any problems whatsoever, you wrote:

> and then don't forget that there are also no fillet problems there like we often encounter in MoI.

This isn't really quite accurate, there are examples of failed fillets in their own tutorial video here:

It looks like in a large complex project that you could run into many badly formed fillets with it, it will probably depend a lot on the particular characteristics of the shape though.

It certainly looks like it's very useful for people doing sub-d modeling though, it should allow someone who is already very comfortable with sub-d modeling to be able to do some boolean operations to build their final shape, no doubt that is helpful!

It's a little bit odd that the final output does not look like it's ready to be a sub-d cage itself though, I had thought that was a focus of the Groboto mesh generation stuff. This may be a significant problem for some workflows since it looks like you can't just go in and tweak a few points of the generated result to adjust things...

I'd say that there are still many benefits to NURBS modeling for mechanical object construction, some of the good parts about NURBS modeling are not just that you can do booleans but also that you can generate large chunks of your model just from drawing 2D curves, and also that there is a high level of accuracy, like when you cut a circular hole you know it is really a circle that you're getting to a high level of tolerance. Also relating to accuracy, I've heard many times from Modo users that they greatly prefer MoI's snapping functions to those in Modo, so that's another pretty big consideration as well...

But it all depends on what in particular someone is looking for - if someone is doing sort of blobby semi-mechanical shapes and they're already very comfortable with sub-d modeling, MF looks like a great tool to help them while staying within Modo.

With MoI, you get an overall much broader tool that has a lot of things in the workflow that are tuned for mechanical model construction...

It's probably not a bad idea to have both! :)

- Michael