[script] FxGraph - 2D/3D Function plotter

 From:  bemfarmer
I did observe the error with Trumpet.js, but after spending an inordinate amount of time, I managed to
fix the problem. I'm using _ before the _Trumpet.js, and also _ before _FxGraph3D.

- Brian

Edit: It has been very confusing.
3rd party .js scripts without leading _ show up in Max's Ext.Scripts list at the tail end, after all the ones with leading _. (Which is alphabetical.)
The same script with a leading _ show up at the front side of the Ext.Scripts list, without the _.

I use _FxGraph3D. Some other people use FxGraph3D, without the leading _. (So a missing .js error can occur, due to alternate names, with/without leading _.

Also, a carriage return, or cr/lf, in the .js can cause the first "(" to not match up with the last ")", which also causes a parse error.

EDITED: 31 Jul 2017 by BEMFARMER