[script] FxGraph - 2D/3D Function plotter

 From:  Mike (MGG942)
It's fascinating how mathematical formulas can result in interesting shapes.
Here's one that I found on MathMod: Stereosphere

Copy (Ctr-c) the following and then within Moi hit Tab and paste (Ctr-v)

_FxGraph3D 2.*u/(u*u+v*v+1.);2.*v/(u*u+v*v+1.);(u*u+v*v-1.)/(u*u+v*v+1.);-2;2;-2;2;15;15;1;1;1;UV

Or copy the following to the Commands folder and it will show up as Stereosphere in Max's UI ext scripts feature.

moi.command.execCommand( '_FxGraph3D 2.*u/(u*u+v*v+1.);2.*v/(u*u+v*v+1.);(u*u+v*v-1.)/(u*u+v*v+1.);-2;2;-2;2;15;15;1;1;1;UV' );

Note. If you have done what I apparently have foolishly done and omitted the leading underscore of _FxGraph3D in your set up then you will need to omit it from the preceding lines.

The resultant mesh will Network as it is.

It is quite small, so, to make a solid I first scaled up by a factor of 30, and then used Construct/Offset/Shell with a value of 2mm and Direction Normal.

Just in case you're wondering the formula does NOT produce the lettering shown in the attachment!
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Size: 114.2 KB, Downloaded: 47 times, Dimensions: 637x508px