Any thoughts about a VR - Oculus Rift mode?

 From:  Michael Gibson
6430.7 In reply to 6430.6 
Hi rhadiem, I did take a quick look at their software library a little bit ago, and from what I could tell it required a newer version of the compiler than what I'm currently using. So I'm not really set up right now even just to use their development kit. So I think it will be a while before I'll be in a position to even properly investigate any kind of minimal integration.

I think it will probably be fairly difficult even to just use the mouse with it though, I think in order for UI elements like buttons and such to be displayed on that device they probably have to be rendered using the 3D graphics pipeline. MoI in its current configuration as a regular desktop focused application is not set up like that right now, it only sends just the viewports to be rendered using the 3D graphics pipeline and not the other parts of the GUI. This is fairly different than a game that does all of its UI with custom drawn things directly inside of the 3D game engine.

Have you seen any of the demos that you've used do anything that a regular desktop application would do like put up a regular system file dialog box or things like that?

- Michael