Question about MOI background processing behavior

 From:  Michael Gibson
642.2 In reply to 642.1 
Hi John, in this situation clicking "Done" won't actually do anything different, the way the booleans work they will automatically complete when they are done calculating. I guess I could hide the "Done" button in this case and just leave the "Cancel" button enabled to make that clearer.

In a situation like this, all the calculation will be happening in one of the moi_commandprocessor.exe programs, not in the main moi.exe program.

It just seems like it is taking a really long time to calculate this boolean.

One factor that increases calculation time (aside from a large number of objects), is when your objects are rather larger in size. It looks like your objects are a bit large in relation to the grid.

This tends to create additional calculation because MoI calculates some operations like intersections to an accuracy of 0.001 units. If your object is fairly large (like say 2000 units long), then 0.001 is a pretty small number in comparison to the object which means that the accuracy is actually too high - the intersections will get calculated with too many control points in them to get more accuracy which takes additional calculation time and consumes more memory.

So you might try scaling all your objects down by a factor of 10 or 50 or so, that could possibly help things out.

You might also try doing the booleans in something like 4 different batches, that may reduce the quantity of memory that is being used. If all your computer memory is used up that tends to dramatically slow things down as well when it starts to swap memory out to your hard drive instead.

- Michael