[script] Morph between two curves

 From:  BurrMan
6373.11 In reply to 6373.6 
""""""""""Does it give the same result that you'd get by lofting a surface between the curves """""""""""

It's pretty close to the same as just lofting the 2 curves, with some slight differences. I guess you'de have to look at the script code to see how he's morphing.

It does give some interesting possibilities to being able to control the output. Like if you needed to tweak the loft in "Very specific areas", you could then re-run the loft on the morph curves with some changes.

I think it's a compliment to the isocurve, but not a replacement. First, it is automated with nice even space between the 2. The iso curve is more for working on an existing surface and staying with it. This is more for generating a surface. I like to think of it as Generating a surface from isocurve, as opposed to an isocurve from a surface. :o

Maybe the isocurve could be beefed up to do an "even spacing" over the entire surface, with a single pick!