How to run a script?

 From:  Michael Gibson
6336.3 In reply to 6336.1 
Hi Mike, it also kind of depends a bit on what particular kind of script you want to run.

There are 2 basic types of scripts - plug-in commands, and "inline scripts".

A plug-in has files that have to be copied into the \commands sub-folder. That then makes a new command available and you can set up a shortcut key with that command name as the thing to execute.

For an inline script generally those are smaller snippets of script code for doing stuff like hiding or selecting things, basically things that trigger instantly and don't have any UI controls. Those you paste directly into the command part of the shortcut key editor.

You don't need to edit moi.ini directly for shortcut keys, at one point very early on in MoI that's how you had to set up shortcut keys but you can just go to Options > Shortcut keys for it now.

- Michael