The joy of construction lines (and a few other thoughts on my first week with Moi)

 From:  Michael Gibson
6333.8 In reply to 6333.7 
Hi Jonathan, no problem - and certainly your feedback is valid too!

It would be better if there was more information in the wiki. But I sort of don't really like messing with it that much so it tends to get neglected. I just prefer to focus my energy here on the forum and in improving the software itself.

And certainly a better overall organization of scripts and customization resources would be helpful. I do want to have that in the future. In a certain sense I don't want to spend a lot of energy on the wiki for this purpose since I think that a kind of built in library browser would be better in the long run. The trick is finding enough time to work on that, it will probably still be a while since there are just other more fundamental areas to cover first.

For UI customization a tricky problem is how to allow UI customization while at the same time incorporating changes to the UI that come from new feature additions as well.

The things you are asking about will come eventually I think, it kind of takes a long time to do a good job in these particular areas though.

- Michael