Pot Handle

 From:  Lordfox
6321.4 In reply to 6321.3 
Hello dear Michael, dear readers

I could solved my problems, I think but I did post a bad example - I did post it. But today I could made a very good example! I could made a nice surface with revolving (pot) + blending (connection) + loft (handle) ...

But its important, that the loft-curve is tangent to the blended part. And the blending was my last step -
1 Revolve and Trimming the handle profile curves 2x2 curves and extrude the smallest curve
2 Lofting
3 Blending


I think I will made my first tutorial - my englsih isnt so good :)

thats all, this was my way ... ;)

And so I could even made a union-boolean with all parts and a nice coffeee-pot :)