Scene Browser Tabs Collapsing/Expanding

 From:  milkywaif
Scene browser is awesome. For me, it's an essential part of MoI interface. I'm using it every time, all the time. Even when I'm not clicking to select or filter things I'm glancing at browser pane regularly for checking things.
There's one thing I don't quite get. Why does it start as tabs collapsed?
We already have "browser toggle" button. Instead of seeing collapsed tabs, one can turn it on and off easily for screen space purposes.
As someone like me, who has 2k screen resolution and keeps browser pane open all the time, there's no point of collapsing, expanding them everytime. Nearly everything in UI is highly custimizable except this.
I really would like to avoid clicking expand button three times at every MoI session start. Is there a way to force scene browser tabs expanded at start up?