Subdivion Surface in C4D not good option by some Moi3D Objects/Parts?

 From:  Michael Gibson
6298.5 In reply to 6298.1 
Hi Lordfox, can you please post the 3DM model file that you're asking your question about instead of only a screenshot? That it's possible to zoom in and examine small details of your model like its edge structures and how tightly bent some pieces are, those things are difficult to see from a screenshot alone.

I'm not entirely sure if I understand the subdivision surface part of your question, but yes that's normal that you can't just apply subdivision surface smoothing to something you've saved out from MoI, doing subdivision surfaces requires a certain kind of polygon structure that you usually have to create by hand, the type of structure that MoI exports is not suitable for applying sub-d smoothing. If you do want to do it, you have to do what's called "retopologizing" of your model, that involves creating a new sub-d friendly polygon structure using the existing one as a guide. 3D Coat and TopoGun are some tools that have good retopologizing tools if you want to go that route.

> ps. I dont understand 100% why I can made sometimes fillet and sometimes not ... also with very small numbers not

If you can post your 3DM model file I could probably help to answer this question for you - my guess for your case here is that you've got some little tiny surface or edge pieces somewhere in there, the fillet will fail if it ends up having to totally consume away an edge or fillet to nothing. Also it looks like you have some tight bends in some areas of your model as well - that also limits filleting because filleting involves a type of offset and doing an offset of a larger radius than a bend in the shape makes the offset bunch up and become self intersecting, like this:

If you can post your 3DM model file I may be able to point out more specific problem areas.

- Michael