V3 beta Nov-19-2013 available now

 From:  Michael Gibson
A new v3 beta (version Nov-19-2013) is now available for download here: http://moi3d.com/beta.htm , also linked to from the download page on the main web site.

New stuff:

Hidden line removal!!!

MoI can now generate a drawing with hidden lines removed when exporting to PDF, AI, or DXF formats.

Some examples, these are all screenshots of exported PDFs in Adobe Reader:



When you export to PDF or AI format, a new dialog pops up to control the different options:

The "Scale" option can be either "Fit to page" or "Preserve units". When Preserve units is picked, additional controls will be displayed that let you set the scale factor.

"Generate outlines" creates curves in areas where objects are adjacent to the viewport background. This can be used to give a bold accented border surrounding the entire object. It works in combination with the shaded background image, since the background image masks out the inner half of the border.

"Generate silhouettes" creates accented curves at all silhouette areas.

"Generate hidden lines" creates curves that are hidden in a dashed line style.

The "Line style options" button opens up a second dialog where the point width, color, and layer attributes of the different kinds of curves can be set. Colors and layers can either by set to "From style" for the color or layer to come from the style assignment, or can be set to a specific value by choosing "Custom".

The "Canvas megapixel resolution" field controls the density of the shaded image and depth buffer used to determine what is visible and hidden. Increasing this value can help generate more detailed results on small areas of the model, it can go up to a maximum of 75 megapixels, but it consumes quite a bit of memory at that level. Try something around 30 or 40 here to get more detail if needed.

If you're doing a wireframe export that contains only curves and not any solids or surfaces, only the projection view and scale options will be shown.

The hidden line DXF export is more oriented towards shop drawing type output, it doesn't have the outline, silhouette, or shaded background image options.

There's also a new command named Make2D which you can run to generate the hidden line result as curves directly inside of MoI. To use it set up a shortcut key and for the command name put in: Make2D.

Other stuff:

Holding down the Shift key while drawing now works as an enhanced straight snap. When you hold down Shift straight snap will have priority over object snap, and the current straight snap line will stay locked on for as long as you hold shift. Also when you hold down Shift straight snap will activate to the closest straight snap line regardless of how far away it is to the mouse.

Layers are exported to DXF format - styles in MoI will map to layers in the DXF file.

AI format for clipboard transfer should work on OSX now. See previous beta release notes for how to set that up: http://moi3d.com/forum/index.php?webtag=MOI&msg=6099.1 .

Fixed some bugs in surface/surface intersection in the geometry library, some cases that didn't work before with things like 2 pipes crossing each other should work better now.

Bug fixes to Blend between 2 edges that touch each other at sharp "pole points".

Overhauled the sorting mechanism for loft when doing loft to point, you should now be able to more easily group select the curves and points to loft instead of having to pick them in the specific order as you sometimes had to to previously.

Update viewport render scripting - Added a .render() method to viewports, which works like renderToClipboard except it generates an image object that can then be written to disk instead of being placed in the clipboard. Requested on the forum here: http://moi3d.com/forum/index.php?webtag=MOI&msg=6111.2

Update moi.view.screenshot() method (this is the one that takes a snapshot of the visible screen only, not the one that renders a viewport image to a higher res image) to work properly on OSX.

Update rectangle snapping - Add an additional "square" snap point for rectangle drawing when just one of width or height has been typed in. Requested on the forum here: http://moi3d.com/forum/index.php?webtag=MOI&msg=6117.1

PDF export bug fix - fix a crash when saving a PDF file when the file was not able to be opened for writing because it was open in Adobe Reader which locks it. Instead of a crash now there will be a warning dialog with a retry button on it.

New Greek language UI translation available thanks to Andrew Athanasiadis. It's included in this beta, go to Options > General > Language to activate it.

Fix bug where when relocating a construction line, pushing tab did not put focus on the XYZ control like it normally does during a drawing command. Bug reported on the forum here: http://moi3d.com/forum/index.php?webtag=MOI&msg=6226.4

Update PDF import - process XObject content streams in addition to the main page content stream. This enables reading some content that was previously missed.

Update curve segment scripting - Add methods for .getStartPt(), getEndPt(), and getLength() on curve segments, so that some properties for individual segments can be retrieved by scripts.

Update filesystem scripting - Add moi.filesystem.fileExists( path ) and moi.filesystem.shellExecute( path ) script functions.

Update loft - fix script exception that happened when only 2 points and no curves were selected when doing the Loft.

Update Rebuild command, endpoints mode - Add a new "Endpoints" mode for the Rebuild command, this interpolates a new curve through the endpoints of the existing curve's segments. Can be useful for reconstructing a smooth curve through a dense polyline curve approximation that you can sometimes find in PDF or DXF imports.

Update RailRevolve for non-planar paths. RailRevolve can now build a surface that follows a 3D path curve. This height stretching mode is enabled for non planar paths when the profile curve is not a closed curve and has one curve endpoint on the revolve axis. Requested on the forum here: http://moi3d.com/forum/index.php?webtag=MOI&msg=6189.1

Implement RemoveDuplicates command. Currently only works on curves, removes other curves that are a duplicate within tolerance (endpoints must be in tolerance too). Set up a keyboard shortcut with RemoveDuplicates as the command name to call it.

Fixed a bug on OSX where window resizing behaved strangely on Retina displays.

Thanks, - Michael