Local Coordinates ?

 From:  Michael Gibson
6273.5 In reply to 6273.3 
Hi Stav,

> Im curious why you haven't implemented a simple gimble of sorts?

Usually with CAD software things are more focused on precise editing. That gimble type method that you're asking about tends to be inaccurate.

With MoI it's just more usual to draw what you need in place and have it directly constructed in position rather than starting with some other object and flipping it around.

> I also often find myself wanting to grab the centre of an object
> and wishing there was a visible centre point when selected.

That's something that I might add in the future, but again often times the center of an object's bounding box is a kind of arbitrary point as compared to things like ends and specific snap locations.

In MoI v3 when you use the Transform > Move command there is a button that shows up in the command options that you can press to use the bounding box center as the base point of the move, that may possibly do what you need here.

> When I am editing points on a curve I often select objects around the points by
> accident....can be very frustrating.
> Is there a way to have moi ignore other object selection while I am i points edit mode?

You can lock objects (Edit > Lock or hold down Ctrl and click on the left column in the scene browser) and that will prevent them from being selected.

But a lot of the things you are referring to here lead me to think that you're kind of trying to use polygon modeling techniques inside of MoI. That can be frustrating in general because MoI is not really designed with that kind of workflow in mind, you should normally be doing most of your control point editing on 2D curves rather than on 3D objects, and doing things like generating objects in place directly from profile curves rather than trying to squish some other object around.

Check out here for some links to discussions and general tips for people who are coming from a sub-d / poly modeling background:

- Michael