Local Coordinates ?

 From:  Stav (STAVROS)
6273.3 In reply to 6273.2 
Hi Michael
Thanks for the speedy response!
I figured that was the solution....a few more clicks than I expected though coming from polygon softwaer :)
Im curious why you haven't implemented a simple gimble of sorts?
Considering the simplicity and elegance of everything else.
I imagine such simple manipulations are amongst the most common.
I also often find myself wanting to grab the centre of an object
and wishing there was a visible centre point when selected.

While Im at it please let me ask one more thing.....
When I am editing points on a curve I often select objects around the points by accident....can be very frustrating.
Is there a way to have moi ignore other object selection while I am i points edit mode?

Thanks kindly!
