Local Coordinates ?

 From:  Michael Gibson
6273.28 In reply to 6273.26 
Hi Kevin, just to clarify a little bit here - you wrote:

> A lot of the curves are not parallel or perpendicular to the XYZ plane hence the reason for making
> a request to align the edit frame with the object to make manipulating curves and surfaces easier.

For curves that have absolutely no alignment whatsoever to any XYZ plane, it probably isn't really feasible for the edit frame to get aligned to them because the edit frame is fundamentally a 2D thing, in the Top, Front, and Right views the edit frame is intended to be a frame that's parallel to each individual view. In the 3D view it can go around planar objects, but because the edit frame is itself only a planar object it doesn't really work for it to go around something like a box, that will need a different kind of edit mechanism to handle that sort of thing.

In your first example that you posted, although the sections were rotated they still appeared to be planar sections that were being viewed edge-on, meaning that their plane normal is perpendicular to the view direction. I'm not sure now if you're still referring to that kind of arrangement or not since you're talking about not perpendicular to anything...

In the future I would like to have some different kinds of edit mechanisms that might be more similar to the type of manipulator gizmos that you're used to. But those will likely be some kind of separate thing from the edit frame - the edit frame is meant to work similar to a 2D drawing program and so the in each 2D view, the frame is oriented to that view.

- Michael