Local Coordinates ?

 From:  kevjon
6273.24 In reply to 6273.23 

Thanks, glad it is clear now. In polygon modellers one of the most useful tools is be able to place and rotate your widget where you want.

I currently use two techniques in MoI for getting around the edit frame limitations.

1. Scale 1D
2. Align cplane with object and then use edit frame.

But certainly being able to quickly align the edit frame with the object or even rotate the edit frame where your want would be quicker than the above two options.

Like I said earlier, you have a million feature requests to work on and this is one more for the list. There are currently ways of working around it so its not the biggest issue but just a nice to have request.

The reason I bought this up is because I use Andrei's loft->loose->exact method for the majority of my work and the curves are often not perpendicular to the XYZ axis which makes squishing them to shape with the edit frame problematical because the edit frame can't align with the object, so I use the 2 methods above in those instances. Its a little slower this way but the job still gets done.