Wing fuselage blend yields pinch

 From:  Michael Gibson
6262.10 In reply to 6262.9 
Hi Pilou,

> "Oops, your graphic there is not quite right - you don't want to click near the middles,
> you want to click closer to one end than in the middle, but it needs to be on the same
> ends that you want to have matching.

Yup, but that was only for much earlier versions of MoI, I think before v1 was even released...

Since the problem of misaligned things like you show there was happening pretty frequently I switched the behavior later on so that the location of your pick spot did not make any difference for determining the matching direction.

> Position of the click makes different results!

Only in that old version though, not anymore! If you repeat the same thing you show there in the current version you'll see it does not make any difference where you pick anymore.

If the automatic direction finder gets things wrong, you can still flip the direction of the blend edges by clicking on one of the blend edges while you are in the final "Adjusting parameters" stage of the command.

- Michael