3D viewer WebGL

 From:  Bard (BFM)
6250.12 In reply to 6250.10 
Hello Mickael,

Yes, I understand.

That I see now, it's 3d reader in Flash (.swf) faster than any 3d viewer with Three.js, same if that runs with an swfobject.js

I suppose the choice depend on we want to do: games, interactive 3d space, gallery, demo machine for industrial, etc.

The russians of AlternativaPlatform give something very interesting, very fluid: http://a3dplayer.com/
Yes, there are documentations on their site: http://alternativaplatform.com/en/technologies/alternativa3d/.
Otherwise this solution in Flash for a 3D Web gallery is a good sign.

I go round the World (Wide Web).

Good MoI.

EDITED: 1 Nov 2013 by BFM