Layers question

 From:  Michael Gibson
6223.6 In reply to 6223.5 
Hi Randy, the order of the styles list in MoI will be preserved in the materials list in the companion .mtl file that is generated alongside the .obj file.

Inside the .obj file, faces are gathered into smoothing group chunks and there isn't any style related ordering to the faces list, faces just reference materials and if you need an ordering to the material you would need to find it in the .mtl file to find its original order in MoI. However only styles that are actually being used will be emitted to the .mtl file so to replicate the MoI style index values exactly you would need to eliminate unused styles before doing the export.

> <...> polygon selection tags in the OBJ file?

As far as I know there isn't anything in OBJ files called a "selection tag", there is an "object name" and a "group name", do you mean one of those?

There is also an option in moi.ini to use the style name as the group name for the object, that probably won't help you deal with ordering but I just wanted to mention it in case it's useful:

Hope this helps!

- Michael