Selection pre-highlighting on v3

 From:  Michael Gibson
6222.8 In reply to 6222.7 
Hi Seb,

> Not a hackintosh. This is a stock Surface Pro running Windows 8.

Ok, but now I'm pretty confused because in your first message on this thread you said you were on a Mac - was that just a typo?

You wrote: "I noticed that on the Mac the latest v3 beta doesn't do selection pre-highlighting the way v2 does."

Does your problem have something to do with the Mac at all?

> I do have the Wacom FeelIT drivers installed to enable pressure sensitivity in a broader range of applications.

It's probably a bug in the drivers where the driver is improperly setting the flag that says that the input was generated from a finger touch point. Part of the new multitouch aware handling in v3 disables selection tracking if it detects that the event came from a finger touch source, to avoid multi-touch view manipulation gestures from also altering the selection.

My guess is that if you remove these custom drivers you'll probably get your selection behavior back with the stylus.

If you want to report the bug to Wacom, the technical info that you'd want to report is that the Wacom FeelIT driver is improperly setting the flag that its input is coming from a touch source - the MOUSEEVENTF_FROMTOUCH flag in GetMessageExtraInfo() should only be set if the pointer event was generated by a touch event and not if it was from a pen event.

- Michael