Hidden line removal progress

 From:  Michael Gibson
6201.37 In reply to 6201.33 
Hi Martin,

> Actually the way I would do it and also the way that seems to be most logical is the
> attached result by Cinema4Ds Sketch & Toon renderer. This is also similar to mattj example
> from post 6201.28 but without the "overshoot" which again is a personal style.

The style you're showing here is having an accent on the "border against background", having thickness just where the shape touches the background. That's what I'd like to enable by some kind of "outline" option for extracting out those curves.

The other style is not just a difference with "overshoot", it's more about accenting all silhouettes of the object, not just the outermost one. A shape like this should show a bigger difference:

Just the "outline against background" would be like this:

But all silhouettes would be like this:

So I think I want to be able to do both of these kinds of things, like one option to get silhouettes into their own kind of group and another option that will extract out the outer outline only.

Maybe when enabled the outer outline curves would be a duplicated set of curves going over top of the other kinds though.... Not quite sure about that part.

- Michael