Additional Commands: Merge

 From:  Michael Gibson
6195.5 In reply to 6195.4 
Hi Strube, yes that's normal for how the command currently works, it currently only handles edges.

The objects you have on the left are not edges, they're curves. In MoI the term "Edge" refers to edges of surfaces and solids. Edges also have a curve that belong to them, but they're also attached to a surface (either one surface or as a joined spot between 2 surfaces) and define the trimming boundary of the surface.

The ones that you have on the left are just plain curves or sometimes I refer to them as "standalone curves" to distinguish them from "edge curves".

For many things either standalone curves or edge curves can be used interchangably, like you can extrude either of those.

But if a command specifically targets "edges" then that means edge curves and not standalone curves.

In the future I want to make it easier to merge together standalone curves as well, I still have some hope to possibly incorporate that as an option of some type in the Join command, rather than relying on a separate command for it.

Right now to merge together your curves on your left side you would use Join and then do a Rebuild.

- Michael