Doubled curves stacked together

 From:  Michael Gibson
6183.4 In reply to 6183.3 
Hi Carlos,

> Edit: Buying 1 Rhino license is not an option at this point.

I guess in the meantime then use the Rhino trial version until you run out of saves... That's probably your best solution at the moment, there just isn't anything set up currently in MoI that will do what you want.

> Take a look at this example: draw 2 squares side by side sharing just 1 side. The
> shared line is made of 2 curves stacked together

Are all your duplicated cases only involving lines, or do you have other kinds of duplicated curves as well?

Are all the curves you need to find duplicates for actually _exact_ duplicates of one another with completely identical control points in them? Or are they just "very similar" curves that might have different control point structures and only overlap to some tolerance level?

- Michael