Hide icon text

 From:  Michael Gibson
6178.2 In reply to 6178.1 
Hi DesuDeus, it's possible to hide the icon text by modifying the moi.css file, which is located in the \ui sub-folder underneath MoI's main installation folder.

You'll need to edit this file with a text editor like notepad, and by default Windows prevents stuff under the \Program Files folder from being modified, so right-click and pick "Run as administrator" when you run your text editor program to enable this editing to work.

Then put this at the bottom of moi.css:

moi\:CommandButton > div, moi\:CommandMenuButton > div, moi\:CommandSplitButton > div {

That will remove that line of text underneath all command buttons in the UI including ones on the bottom command bar which is maybe a little weird since it makes the buttons on that horizontal bar to be smaller than the other controls on the same line.

If you want to only hide the text on the side pane ones, and leave the text on the command bar ones you can put in this instead:

moi\:PaletteBody moi\:CommandButton > div, moi\:PaletteBody moi\:CommandMenuButton > div, moi\:PaletteBody moi\:CommandSplitButton > div {

That second one will only target command buttons that are contained inside of a tool palette so that will only do the side pane ones.

- Michael