How to put lines exactly onto a surface?

 From:  Michael Gibson
6171.10 In reply to 6171.9 
Hi Kevin,

> Is there a way to draw or project a closed curve on a surface without it adding more points ?

If you use projection it calculates a result curve to within tolerance - if you only used the same control points as the original curve the curve would not fully be on the surface, the spots in between control points would sag away from it.

I do want to make it possible to use project when control points are selected rather than the curve itself selected to only move control points around but that does not work yet.

> The osnap doesn't work in ortho views which is a pity because when your trying
> to draw stuff accurately you mostly working in the ortho view or cplane views.

Ortho views are more focused on drawing planar shapes aligned to that view, the 3D view allows you to more freely draw things stuck onto surfaces.

There are settings you can adjust to alter this behavior, if you go to Options > Snaps > Object snap options > "Project to plane in ortho views" and turn that off, that will prevent the planarizing behavior. The planarizing mechanism is where things like curves or polylines keep newly picked points on a plane through the previous picked point that is parallel to the view's cplane.

Then if you want "On surface" snap to work in ortho views, there is a setting in moi.ini where you can enable that, under [Drawing Aids] :

[Drawing Aids]

Switch that to =n and then you should get the snap behavior that you want.

Just be aware that with those settings changed like that, drawing lines and curves in one of the ortho views will no longer necessarily generate a result that is planar to that ortho view anymore.

- Michael