Background Image Script?

 From:  Michael Gibson
6162.4 In reply to 6162.3 
Hi FDP, sorry I didn't get a chance to take a look at your example until now.

I'm confused by one part that you wrote though:

UPDATE: Also, I realized that in the example I have separate background images for each frame. I just did this to get them all in there to show the process. I don't think this would be desirable in the implementation, as you could ultimately have hundreds of frames (which would lead to a painful amount of background images).

I had originally thought that you were talking about having a bunch of separate background images and that you just wanted to switch the visibility of them with a script, hiding the current one and showing the next one in the sequence.

But here now you're talking about not wanting to have individual background images, so it seems that what I was thinking you were asking about just switching the "hidden" property of various background images is not really what you want.

Do you actually want just a single background image that switches to load a different image file from disk every time you trigger the script?

- Michael