Cycloid curve

 From:  bemfarmer
Here is an update to the _CycloidInterp script, renamed to _CycloidTrochoid.

This script plots a Trochoid or Cycloid on the x axis.
A common Trochoid has the bRadius equal to the aRadius, and is a Cycloid.
Interpcurve factory is used, to avoid cusp rounding.
Rewritten by Brian McMillin, September 2018.
A Brachistochrone is an inverted Cycloid.
A Gerstner wave is a trochoidal wave.
If b>a, the trochoid is a prolate cycloid.
If b<a, the trochoid is a curtate cycloid.

Note the different behavior of the display of the ignore checkbox,between MoI3 and MoI4.
For MoI4, the three lines of text are centered with the checkbox.
For MoI3, the first line of text is horizontal to the checkbox, with the other three lines below. (A preferred look???)

Can the (vertical?) centering be changed in the MoI4 display of the .htm file?

- Brian

Script updated 9/25/2018, with Michaels input, if the 3 people who downloaded it want the update.

Edit, Only one cycle is plotted, due to cusp problem with 2+ cycles.

EDITED: 25 Sep 2018 by BEMFARMER
