Click problem

 From:  Ditto
6137.3 In reply to 6137.2 
Thanks, Michael!

That seems to be the root of the problem. I can somehow, sometimes, work in the split view, but all else breaks.

I have tried to install Catalyst, the video card control program, but that makes my computer unusable. Everything gets sluggish and I can actually see the order of window elements as they develop on the screen. I uninstalled everything and installed only the drivers again. I will search a bit on the Internet to see if this is probably a setting I could make in the registry.

Thanks again for your analysis!


Edit: I found a couple of AAA, AA, AF, AI, ST and TAA settings under my graphics card in the registry and set them all to -1. That looks as if it is working now. Phew!

EDITED: 27 Aug 2013 by DITTO