iphone mode

 From:  BurrMan
6134.24 In reply to 6134.23 
Here are my 2 cents/phnes, using g2 surfaces:

But really, you'll never get the exact 3g iphone because you'll need 4 surface g2 commands, and MoI only has 2. You'de have to go with something like this:


So like in this video, we can make the corner Continuity blend the same, but not tell it to maintain the same continuity with the other edges, like this program is doing.

So lanrenzhizao, you will always find something to look different, like in Mauro's post, but thats the same as your model you are posting, that has G1 corners to start with. Some compromise is made somewhere, unless you have the tools to overcome the need.

Also, I'm not so sure that the iphone "has to be G2" thing is a reality anyway. Apple just called it a complex b-spline. I dont really think that Steve Jobs was running around saying "it has to be G2", "It has to be G2"... Probably more like, "It needs to look beautiful", and the design team shot for G2....