spaced copy

 From:  Ditto
6105.11 In reply to 6105.10 
No need to be confused, Danny. I was certainly just not capable to make myself clear enough. Post #3 showed my problem of having a first position fixed for the first element, but that is just one specific case.

I was looking for a more generic solution anyway. There are only a couple of situations that I can think of :
- a given number of objects equally spaced over a distance : |--O--O--O--O--O--| <<(your solution)
- equally spaced for wrapping (flowing) around : |-O--O--O--O--O-|
- equally spaced with given position for the first element, with symmetry : |----O--O--O--O--O----| <<(my solution)

None of these are particularly difficult to draw, but I esteem them pretty standard in design: Place objects evenly over a distance, linear or not, planar or not. Any of the cases could be solved by dividing the distance and placing the objects.

And I hoped for something that I have overlooked in the array or flow commands.

Thanks to all, anyway ! Great to have such a collaborative community ! Thanks !
