Beetle questions

 From:  Michael Gibson
6100.3 In reply to 6100.1 
Hi Beetle,

> The final design results:

Your final result looks great!

> 1, whether we can use the keyboard direction key mobile objects in a window,
> can set the movement value of artificial intelligence?

Like Brian mentions above, it is possible to install a plug-in called Nudge which will then move objects by using the arrow keys. There are some instructions on how to set it up here:

> 2, rounded corners, sometimes do not know how to enter a value is correct, usually calculated
> failure, but I don't know where is wrong, is my modeling is not standard cause? Please guide
> me. Please upload the attachment.

There are a lot of possible things that can complicate filleting, and sometimes it's also just that the filleting mechanism in the geometry library that MoI uses does not handle a lot of corner juncture cases.

But sometimes there are things you can do to make things easier on the fillet mechanism - in the case you show there in the screenshot, that looks like the fillet engine failed to get a proper trim on the model, one type of thing that can make that happen is if your model is made up of surfaces that are close to being smooth with one another but just barely come to a 5 or 10 degree shallow angle rather than being either fully sharp or full smooth to each other.

It's hard to know which particular problem you are running into though by just looking at a screenshot, I'd need to see the 3DM model file in order to give you better information. You can upload an attachment to the forum here using the "Attachments" when you do a reply, or also if you want to keep it confidential you can e-mail it to me at . If the file is particularly large (like say over 6MB in size), you'll probably need to upload it to a file sharing service like dropbox or Windows sky drive and then send just the link to it rather than sending the whole file.

Filleting is not really a particularly strong area in MoI though, other CAD programs like SolidWorks, Pro/E, SolidEdge, etc... have more sophisticated fillet engines in them so if you need to do filleting that MoI is not capable of you may want to use another CAD program in combination with MoI for handling more difficult fillets.

> 3, deformation of stream function, although there are tensile deformation tools, how to
> calculate the length of the line, make the result more accurate?

Like Brian mentions, the UnwrapCurve plug-in can be helpful for this case - it creates a line that is the same length as the length of the curve. You can get that plug-in here:

> 4, model into KeyShot rendering, a complete model will break, paste material is very time-consuming.

What file format are you using for the transfer into KeyShot currently? Make sure you're using OBJ format and set the option for "Output: Quads & Triangles". The OBJ format export will write style information as materials in the OBJ file, it's usually the best way to transfer materials over to a rendering program.

- Michael