The script for chain

 From:  bemfarmer
6087.19 In reply to 6087.18 
- Krass
You would need to write several dozen lines of javascript, to apply the numbers to the appropriate factories.
In the MoiWiki, under scripting, the MoI Javascript API documentation by David Morrill describes the factory inputs.
Opening various existing MoI scripts from the MoI command folder and the forum, in a word processor, studying them,
and modifying them, is one approach. The ToroidalHelix script provides a "pattern."
Since the several rectangle scripts, such as RectCenter and GetRectRoundCorner are designed for interactive use, and
so have extra code, you would need to tease out the portions needed to set up the rectangle factory numbers.
This would create the centerline of the link. Then repeat the process with extracts from the Pipe script, then the array script,
and the Flow script, etc.

Using unwrapcurve on your path curve may provide its length, in order to calculate how many links are needed +/-.

Occasionally an interactive script does not have the "handles" needed to work in a non-interactive script...
I am an amateur programmer, so anything I say may be incorrect. :-)
- Brian