The new blend

 From:  Michael Gibson
6085.15 In reply to 6085.14 
Hi Mike, thanks for the example file, that's a good case for me to test with.

There's another thing that can help with bunching up blends like that possibly even more than adding "sync points" which is what I called "Planar sections" in Rhino. That's an option that changes how the blend cross sections are formed. In the default mode each blend cross section tries to come off perpendicular to the curve tangent of each edge curve. When the edge are kind of wiggly it makes the sections kind of writhe around and that creates lumpy shapes.

Planar sections makes each blend cross section to be in one single plane, it's sort of like what is called a "pencil of planes" which is like a bunch of planes rotating around one single direction, so you have to pick a sort of "up" direction that's used to orient the family of planes that are used.

That then makes each blend section to be sort of more orderly and not jiggle around as much when there are little wiggles in the edge curves.

You'll probably need that option as well in order to make this particular blend example behave very well.

- Michael