My House Model + New User Intro

 From:  trancerobot
I just bought Moi, though I'm not exactly new to it. I watched it and played with it since the beginning when it was just a beta. I've made stuff with the demos every now and then too.

But now I have it. I think what finally sold me on it was a video posted by Michael on one of the newer betas, and how it handled navigation using finger gestures. I had just bought a Surface Pro at the time and was excited to see that the whole tablet interface aspect of Moi wasn't just a gimmick, but something the developer was taking seriously and would continue to take seriously moving forward.

Throughout all that though, I never actually tried modeling something with just a pen-tablet like the Surface Pro. Until tonight.

And wow, its like opening my eyes after a long sleep. I'm imagining a future now where instead of a small tablet I'm doing work on a large digital drafting desk and some advanced future version of Moi... I know that's coming but I didn't think I'd actually be looking forward to it.

And on the concrete benefit side of things, if you're using a pen it won't hurt your wrist! (works great with Wacom and SpaceMouse too).

Michael Gibson, never sell out! The worst thing that could happen to Moi is having it bought by Autodesk.


Ok enough of that, here's the wip: I'm modeling my house using nothing but my tablet, a ruler, and a laser range meter. It's an old house, probably WW2 era, so no single door is exactly the same size and there's some other incongruences that you're bound to notice and think of as sloppy - but I'm telling you, if the model is inaccurate, its because too many things are lined up, not the other way around.