Vertex Normals

 From:  Michael Gibson
6069.6 In reply to 6069.5 
Hi Andrei,

> Michael is it any way to convert this vertex normal to normal map?

Usually there is not really a direct conversion from these, a normal map is generated through a type of rendering-like process that bakes geometry information into a texture map.

> And what is main difference between them?

They are kind of generally similar in what the final effect is, that they control how shading happens with light sources. The main difference is vertex normals are attached directly to the geometry (with one vertex normal per polygon vertex), while normal maps have the normals in the form of a texture map instead. It's a texture map that contains x,y,z information in it basically instead of only color information.

Normal maps are meant to give higher detailed looking shading results to lower resolution geometry.

- Michael