make curve smaller script

 From:  Michael Gibson
6039.4 In reply to 6039.1 
Hi Andrei, I've attached a plug-in command here that I think does what you are asking for.

To install it, download the attached file MakeSmaller.js and copy it into the \commands folder inside of MoI's main installation folder (on OSX right-click the app and pick "Show package contents", and go to drive_c/moi/commands).

That will then make a new command available to MoI named MakeSmaller. To trigger it, set up a keyboard shortcut and put in MakeSmaller for the command name (note, only put in just plain "MakeSmaller", no .js at the end and no script: at the front as is used for running inline script).

Select the object you want to scale before triggering the command.

At the top of the script are 2 variables that control the scale factor and whether it will use a scale origin of the start of the curve or the center of the bounding box.

Hope this helps!

- Michael